Editor's Letters Features

June 19, 2024 • Sarah Schwartz
From the Editor: The Paper Remains

As I write this, our community’s annual springtime meet-up, *Noted, just wound down. Like the National Stationery Show before it, this year’s event just preceded Mother’s Day; now we’re onto the graduation and wedding seasons. This year is special to me since we have a high school graduate in the house — which means I can’t help but contemplate my daughter’s life in stationery so far.

Photo courtesy of Sarah Sloboda
Photo courtesy of Sarah Sloboda.

It all began with her birth announcement from Julie Franklin of Bumblebee Press, who I am thrilled to report is still letterpressing away in Atlanta. I still remember being hugely pregnant and thinking that the opening words Julie selected to precede Veronica’s name — “we welcome with great joy” — couldn’t be more accurate. Today, it sits framed above my desk where I can revisit its much-adored rounded corners, chick icon and sweet script typeface anytime.

Between mailing those to friends and family and receiving Veronica’s college acceptance letters — yes, these are STILL mailed, and yes, V kept every one — there was lots of stationery. I saved nearly every new baby, birthday and Bat Mitzvah card we received in her honor; and rest assured that I made certain that someone in my family wrote a thank-you for every gift.

The über-talented Laura Manteuffel of Amazing Grace in Chicago designed Veronica’s engraved, copper-foiled, belly-banded and utterly posh Bat Mitzvah invitation with Crane & Co. While what will develop with Crane’s new ownership is yet to be seen, many elements of the gorgeous suite haven’t been available in that house of stationery since lockdown, when the company relocated from Massachusetts to New York.

Shortly, our house will soon be awash in graduation cards — to receive and give to V’s friends, followed by a trickle of thank-yous on both sides. I also want to note before closing to fellow parents that it is completely possible, even today, to teach your child how to write (and understand!) a decent thank-you as well as how to address an envelope.

Here’s the most remarkable part of all of this: Now that Veronica is leaving for college in a few short months, the entire meaning of nearly every last ephemera discussed above has changed. I cherish it all even more! So, take it from me and spread the word: The years go fast, but the paper remains.

Until next issue,

Sarah Schwartz signature

P.S. The Spotlight Awards are officially open! Please consider entering or nominating someone from our community who has positively impacted or inspired you. I can’t wait to read all about it — good luck everyone!

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