
April 25, 2024 • Sarah Schwartz
FOMO No More: A *Noted+Gifted 2024 Recap

Sarah Schwartz at *Noted+Gifted

While I don’t believe there is an actual limit to the design trends discerned at *Noted+Gifted in San Francisco, I certainly had a ton of fun trying to spot them all. Here are a lucky 13 that jumped out at me as I worked my way through the gorgeous, sunny Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture April 17 and 18.

All About the Box.

Thankfully, plastic boxes are on the way out, as evidenced at Big Wheel Press and elsewhere. While these kraft beauties do feature a plastic film window, they decrease waste as they offer a proscenium-esque frame that doubles as marketing space.


Risograph printing, AKA digital screen printing, was invented in the 1980s, but apparently we are just now entering its glorious golden age. Witness for example colorful work from Bromstad Printing — who was a Louie finalist for both Artist of the Year AND Rising Star and took home well-deserved Superbly Stated honors.

That Western Feel.

Blame Beyoncé, blame Barbie (or maybe Ken?), but the romance of the prairie and its simple joys and sights truly resonate in complicated times. Elana Gabrielle captures this easy vibe perfectly on her bandanas, kitchen linens and stationery.

International Flair.

Stationery illustration is often about finding the next “look” — think Anna Bond florals or Dear Hancock bunnies. Unsurprisingly then, I’m smitten by Priscilla of Holalola’s sweetly distinctive designs. Check out this “bee-utiful” style icon with go-go boots and a purse? I’m so here for her!

Value Added.

What else can be included with a card without raising the postage? Certainly stickers and seed packs, but Hustle & Hope takes a smart approach by incorporating downloadable guides to keep those good feels coming!

Retro, Reinvented.

Pulling from the past to re-present it to today’s audience with humor and flair is no laughing matter — but Kristal of K+S Design makes it look easy, and matches her merchandise no less for extra points!

Notes on Notes.

This was the very first trade show for Kat French Design, and her truly sensible yet out-of-box approach to desk and note pads set this Texas maker apart fresh out of the gate.

Elevated Craft.

These days, if something is to be handmade, every last detail needs to be exquisite. Just ask Amy at Keller Design Co., who saw such a great response from wrapping her embroidery hoops in fabric at *Noted, she’s now working on incorporating that element into her ready-to-pass-down keepsake kits.

The Medium is the Message.

As witnessed in the Mitzi Bitsy booth, layout tweaks and clever messaging make card sending truly great again.

Raw Beauty.

Spotted in the Molly Muriel booth, embracing the natural and the unfinished in the personal care space doesn’t just feel fresh and organic, it helps us all accept our own rough edges.

Frame That Thought.

We all know the world’s a stage. Thanks to Ormolu Press’ proscenium arch-like frames, greeting cards become one too, complete with eye-pleasing white textures to really make messages pop.

Strong Sentiments.

Sentiments that hit recipients squarely in the feels continue to reign. ink.paper.crafts deftly uses white space and simple lines to deliver its powerful letterpress message.

A Place for Everything.

Americans love stuff, yet hate clutter. Go figure! Coming to the artful rescue is The Minimalist Ceramist, who crafts a handmade spot for every last precious doodad and tchotchke.

Stationery Trends Summer 2024 Cover
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