
February 9, 2022
The Greeting Card Association urges members to take action, support postal reform

The Greeting Card Association (GCA) sent an email requesting support for postal   reform and encourage members to take action. Here is the statement from GCA:

Dear GCA Colleagues,

After a decade of intensive effort, I am pleased to report that the House of Representatives has passed postal reform. This is the first time postal reform has cleared either chamber of Congress since 2012. Even better, the Senate is prepared to take up the bill quickly, increasing the chance that comprehensive postal reform including a permanent requirement for 6-day mail delivery that GCA led in including can make it to the president’s desk to be signed into law.

As the vote draws near, there are some groups who are attempting to delay or block action on the bill. We cannot allow this to happen. Therefore, I am asking every GCA member to do two easy things.

  1. Please add your company name to the mailing industry letter of support. A massive display of support will help secure the vote in the Senate. If you are willing to add your company, simply forward this e-mail with the name as you would like it to appear to GCA’s Vice President for Public Affairs, Rafe Morrissey at [email protected]
  2. Follow the instructions below to quickly and easily send a message in support of postal reform to your senators. GCA has helped create an engagement tool with the Keep US Posted campaign to rally support for the bill.

Thank you for considering and I would be grateful for your support to secure a legislative victory that GCA has long sought and is finally within our grasp.

Tom Shoaf, Chairman, GCA Public Affairs Committee

Keep US Posted

You did it: Postal Reform Passed the House! Now it’s Time to Make Your Voice Heard in the Senate.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Postal Service Reform Act yesterday, thanks in large part to your advocacy. You made your voices heard with 11,000 messages and hundreds of tweets to your members of Congress in just four days. Amazing.

Now, it’s onto the Senate, where the legislation could have a tough battle to gain the attention it needs to be passed into law. That’s why we need you to raise your voices again.

Please make your voice heard by asking your Senators to vote YES on the Postal Service Reform Act! They need to hear from you as soon as possible.

The Postal Service Reform Act is critical to making sure that the U.S. Postal Service improves and delivers reliably and affordably.

The bipartisan legislation would free the Postal Service from a 2006 law requiring it to set aside funds for retiree health benefits 75 years in advance, as well as ensure a six-day delivery schedule for most mail and packages. The Postal Service Reform Act has support from Democrats and Republicans, labor unions and the Postal Service itself.

As always, thanks for joining together to Keep US Posted.

Click here to email members of your Congress!

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