
September 11, 2019
IHA partners with Good360 to assist in Hurricane Dorian relief

International Housewares Association (IHA) is partnering with Good360 to provide hurricane victims with home products as they rebuild their lives and homes. Housewares suppliers can help residents from the Bahamas to North Carolina recover from Hurricane Dorian by donating needed products to Good360, the International Housewares Association announced today. IHA partnered with Good360 last year to help with the recovery efforts of Hurricanes Florence and Michael.

The Bahamas were devastated by Dorian with more than 40 fatalities reported so far and an estimated half of all homes on Abaco and Grand Bahama islands destroyed. The country’s infrastructure has been crippled with both a number of ports and airports severely damaged or destroyed. At this point, Good360 is only moving goods directly to the Bahamas that meet exact needs and that they can guarantee will be received, stored and distributed appropriately.

Good360 is working closely with a number of private, public and nonprofit partners to provide needed supplies right now. Items of immediate need include water, water filtration devices, personal care items, solar-powered lights and chargers, diapers, tarps and pillows/sheets/blankets. However, recovery in the Bahamas will take years, and survivors’ needs will be diverse and long-lasting. IHA members can make a commitment with Good360 today to provide specific goods at the time when they are most needed – they will ensure your items have maximum impact. Cash donations are also accepted by Good360 as they allow the organization to provide exactly what support is needed in a timely fashion. For every $1 donated to Good360, the organization can distribute at $10 in needed goods.

>> ALSO SEE: Giddy paperie helps families in Bahamas after hurricane strikes.

“We’re pleased to partner with Good360 and leverage the generosity of the housewares industry to help make a difference for thousands of hurricane victims,” said Derek Miller, IHA president. “Good360 is an organization with an impeccable track record of distributing needed products in a well-managed and structured way, and they work with hundreds of socially responsible companies in order to do so. We encourage our members to work with Good360 to support disaster recovery efforts in the most efficient and effective way possible.”

Members with questions about donating product can contact Jim Alvey, director of corporate development for Good360, at [email protected]or 703 299-7554 or visit for more information.

>>ALSO SEE: Businesses can learn disaster preparedness through webinar and Twitter chat.

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