October 16, 2015
The 27th Annual ARTS Awards opens reservations Nov. 1
ART and Dallas Market Center, producer of the ARTS Awards, announced reservations for the 27th Annual ARTS Awards to be available Nov. 1, 2015. “We expect to have a record-setting number of attendees this year, and we want to be able to accommodate everyone who wants to attend, “said Cindy Morris president and CEO of Dallas Market Center. “We look forward to sharing the evening’s excitement with all the participants.”
The ARTS Awards, presented each January during the Dallas Total Home & Gift Market, recognizes top manufacturers, retailers, designers and sales representatives from across the world. The winners will be revealed during the gala event on Friday, Jan. 22. The 27th annual ARTS Awards are sponsored by enLIGHTenment, FANDECK, Gifts & Decorative Accessories, Giftware News, HFN, Home Accents Today, Home Fashion Forecast, Home & Textiles Today, Residential Lighting, Sustainable Furnishings Council and Lyon Credit Services.