
January 10, 2022
DMC’s Total Home & Gift Market opens with record attendance

Dallas Market Center’s Total Home & Gift Market, the first show of the year, opened with record-breaking attendance as retail decision makers from across the country arrived in Dallas for inspiration and order-writing to fill depleted inventories. Dallas Market Center reported a 41% increase in buyer attendance versus January 2021 for the first two days of the show including retailers and interior designers.

“This is the strongest January Market opening we have experienced in years,” said Cindy Morris, president and CEO of Dallas Market Center. “Buyers are arriving early from across the country in order to see new products first and place orders first. The marketplace is already full of buyers, and the energy level is high. We are expecting traffic to remain steady throughout the week and into next week when we hold the first Apparel & Accessories Market and first Western & English Markets of the year.”

Tens of thousands of buyers from across the country are expected to attend the seven-day trade event that welcomes single and multi-location retail, buying groups, and major stores. Exhibitors noted the strong traffic and order writing:

“On Thursday we broke our single day sales record and anticipate surpassing that record on Friday,” said Randa Crisler with the Portico Collection showroom in the World Trade Center, “Retailers are buying like it’s 1985. Our numbers are incredible and the out of territory business is tremendous.”

“It’s phenomenal,” said Patrick Ongena, owner of the Patrick & Co. showroom in the Trade Mart. “Buyers are serious, the average order is way up, and we are trending far ahead of last January which was itself a great show.”

CTW Home’s Christie Watkins noted: “This is the strongest opening in years for us, and buyers are excited and eager to place orders.”

Home décor exhibitor Park Hill noted the West Coast traffic in addition to the states surrounding Texas. “We are having a great show with stores from across the country but we’re  impressed with the number of West Coast stores that are here for the show,” said Herren Hickingbotham. “There is enthusiasm and confidence in Dallas this week.”

The Temps

The Temps at Total Home & Gift Market, which runs Jan. 5-8, presents hundreds of new and returning exhibitors in four distinct neighborhoods.

From Luxe Gift Temps, Kellie Carlson with Oventure, The Big O Key Ring, commented: “We love coming to the Dallas show…and get plenty of new customers from all over the country. We love that we’ve recently been getting more of a West Coast customer which has been hard to find and it has really helped our business.”

Said Tamra Brannon of Outlaw Woman, showing in Market Hall: “I’ve grown the depend upon Dallas Market as a partner in my wholesale journey. It’s just day two and I’ve already outsold my June market sales by 17%!”

ARTS Awards

On Friday evening, the annual ARTS Awards celebrate and honor home industry excellence and achievement. The full list of finalists include retailers, manufacturers, designers, and sales representatives.

Health & Safety

Supporting the comfort, health and safety of all attendees, the market center continues important measures outlined via the plan available on the front page of their website.


Campus and hotel shuttles are available for Total Home & Gift Market, allowing buyers to easily navigate between the marketplace and accommodations. Likewise, exclusive ride share discounts are available via partners Uber and Alto. Details are on the Transportation page of the website.

For upcoming markets, visit


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