Features Industry Profiles

February 10, 2014 •
Lindsay Liebman

Lindsay Liebman

Paper & Posh

Media, Pa.

1. When and how did you start working in this business?

I have always said that stationery is a marriage of design and etiquette — two of my passions — so I started Paper & Posh in 2011 after practicing law for nine years. After two years of both working full-time and operating Paper & Posh, life became quite busy and I needed to choose one path. I happily chose Paper & Posh in early 2013, and have been operating the company full time ever since.

2. What is your signature style?

With regard to my personal style, I would say white and any shade of blue, and always adorned with a monogram. Similarly to when I practiced law, my business style is to offer my advice and counsel to each and every client, whether they are ordering a set of 10 pieces of stationery or an entire wedding ensemble.

3. What are your most popular stationery offerings?

Carlson Craft wedding invitations and Boatman Geller social stationery.

4. Please share the direction your line will be taking.

I would like to specialize in wedding and Bar/Bat Mitzvah invitations. I am currently researching product lines and marketing strategies.

5. What are your top three retail tips for success?

Know your product, believe in your product and always send a thank you note!

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