
October 5, 2020
ToyFest West postpones the March 2021 show

During the 60th anniversary year of the Western Toy & Hobby Representatives Association, the WTHRA Board of Directors and ToyFest Slate of Officers have deemed it necessary, as a direct result of the Pandemic, to postpone the annual ToyFest West Trade show in March of 2021 to later in the year, dates TBD.

As the Corona Virus has proven to be resilient and unpredictable, plus keeping the safety of our event at the forefront, we are now shifting our focus of hosting the 60th Anniversary show once conditions improve significantly enough to support a safe environment for all of our valued attendees.

Throughout the history of our 59 years, independent sales reps, members of the Western States Toy & Hobby Rep Association, have co-produced a high quality, professional trade show, thereby providing a valuable sales tool for our loyal customer base throughout the Western United States.

Independent sales reps provide an invaluable service and collectively we are committed with supporting our customers and our manufacturers through these challenging times. We are also grateful and appreciate that our customers in turn provide a valuable resource to the communities they serve. It is our collective intention to continue the great work we have accomplished together with a hopeful eye towards a healthy recovery for us all in the near future.

All good wishes for your continued health, safety, and prosperity.

Lawrence Nissen
WTHRA President

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